Project Benchmarks

Far too often we see large-scale transportation projects carried out without concern for nearby communities. As an organization, Our Streets Minneapolis is focused on ensuring that people of all ages, abilities, racial backgrounds, gender and economic backgrounds are included in the benefits that may accrue from transportation investment and protected from any harms that may occur. 

With this in mind, we created a set of benchmarks that center equity for all transportation projects. These benchmarks include policies around housing, disability rights, racial justice, universal design, and public engagement, among other issue areas.

We ask that all agencies involved in transportation decision-making affecting our region work together to adopt these benchmarks effective immediately. We expect that agencies will collaborate on making sure these benchmarks are met on projects that involve multiple jurisdictions. Read our letter to decision makers here.

This platform is the result of collaboration between Our Streets Minneapolis and other community based organizations including the Harrison Neighborhood Association, Autism Society of Minnesota and others.

Support the benchmarks

We invite you to join us in asking decision makers to adopt these benchmarks. Use the link above to auto-fill an email to decision makers (works best on desktop and the gmail app.) Below is an email script and list of contacts to reach out to.

Dear Decision Maker,

Our Streets Minneapolis and partner organizations recently announced a comprehensive set of benchmarks for transportation projects going forward. These benchmarks, initially released as part of our Twin Cities Boulevard vision and now as part of our Bring Back 6th campaign, will be later introduced as a general set of policies that are applicable to every transportation project in the Twin Cities region.

These benchmarks include policies around housing, disability rights, racial justice, universal design, and public engagement, among other issue areas.

We ask that all agencies involved in transportation decision-making affecting our region work together to adopt these benchmarks effective immediately. We expect that agencies will collaborate on making sure these benchmarks are met on projects that involve multiple jurisdictions.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to seeing an equitable and climate centered transportation system in Minnesota.



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