We'e getting to work on communications/membership


At the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition, we are trying to do an ever better job of keeping Minneapolitans informed about what’s happening on bicycling and how you can make a difference. This blog is part of that, but we recognize that we need to better connect with people through the media, social media, volunteer opportunities, and even membership.

We are excited to announce that communications professionals Katie Eukel and Art Allen will be helping us with communications planning and creating a membership structure. Katie is the President and CEO at Fourth Sector Consulting, a communications firm that provides support to organizations that advance positive social change. You may also know her from her time as Communications Manager with Transit for Livable Communities. Art is a freelance writer and editor. Both love to bicycle in Minneapolis!

With their help, you’ll soon be able to be a member of the Minneapolis Bicycle Coalition!

If you are interested in being involved in communications/membership planning, you can send me an email at [email protected]. As always, this effort is 100% driven by volunteers.

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