Drum Roll Please... Unveiling the Logo!

Several months ago (as in last July), we decided we needed to get ourselves a logo.  If you were paying attention, you noticed we began our attempts with a logo competition... which to our surprise turned out to be controversial.  (Although we compulsively track land widths and street striping, we're not close followers of designer politics.)

So... we canceled the contest.  And, friendly designer and Saint Paul Bicycle Coalition activist Todd Zerger offered up his advice on better approaches.

We were lucky enough to have the offer of in-kind services from the designer-cyclists at Space2Burn. Thanks!!

They helped us through the process, and we're really pleased the final design results:



We like how they used the iconic Minneapolis cherry as party of the bicycle.  We also appreciate the way the sign suggests our focus on working to make bicycles normal on the streets of Minneapolis, a part of the transportation network both formally and culturally.

Our next step is to update our website and other materials with the logo, and we're working with Fourth Sector Consulting on an overall communications and membership plan.

Thanks, Space2Burn!

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