Lowry Ave NE for People: January 2021 update

The Lowry Ave NE for People Work Group had its first meeting on Monday, January 25th. A total of 15 people attended. This work group is part of our County Streets for People campaign to transform Minneapolis streets owned by Hennepin County. The goal of this meeting was to discuss specific ways in which this group could work together effectively to create a vision for a Lowry Ave NE that puts people first. As part of this work, we will create an outreach plan to people, organizations, and businesses along the corridor. At our meeting we discussed a timeline for our work.

The group decided that we would split into subcommittees who would work between full workgroup meetings. The following committees were created:

  • Community outreach: create an intentional community outreach plan to reach out to diverse groups, including people who are often left out of transportation decision-making processes.
  • Business outreach: create a strategic plan to engage businesses and build support for our goals. 
  • Budget and policy: will examine existing Hennepin County planning, budget and engagement policies.
  • Visioning review: to review existing plans and engagement efforts to help the workgroup reach a shared understanding of what’s been done already. 

Each of these subcommittees will present their work at the next workgroup meeting. 

We now plan to engage with Hennepin County Public Works to learn more about the project and find ways in which we can work together to make Lowry better for people.

The workgroup decided to meet once a month, on the fourth Monday of each month. The next workgroup meeting is scheduled for February 22nd from 6:30-8 PM.

If you would like to join the workgroup or any of these subcommittees, please sign up at our website here.

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  • Ash N

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